
2010-2011 School Year Sacramento Adventist Academy 5601 Winding Way Carmichael, CA 95608 CEEB code: 050483 Main Office: 916-481-2300 www.sacaa.org Principal: Bettesue Constanzo Registrar: Sheri Miller Sacramento Adventist Academy is a coeducational preschool through twelfth grade school, operated by the Seventh-day Adventist churches in the Sacramento area to provide Christian education in an environment of academic excellence. The school was established in 1948 and graduated its first senior class in the spring of 1958. Sacramento Adventist Academy is accredited with the State of California through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Students at Sacramento Adventist Academy have a variety of opportunities to serve the community and participate in witnessing activities such as church-sponsored domestic and international mission trips. Also, junior high students bring in hundreds of bags of groceries each November to stock area food banks. Students witness through drama and musical presentations in constituent churches. High school music groups tour various parts of the state and outside of California as well. Sacramento Adventist Academy parents and students have demonstrated a strong interest in college preparation. College enrollment figures from transcript request data and personal interviews show that over 90% of SAA high school graduates choose to attend a two or four-year college/university. Students in grades 3 through 8 take the ITBS test each school year in the fall. Students in grades 9-12 take the ITED test. The PSAT is administered to all sophomores and juniors; freshmen may request to take this exam. Through testing and monitoring, students found to be low in certain areas are counseled to seek tutoring and/or additional testing to determine learning difficulties. One of the ways this is done is by assigning students with failing grades to Academic Probation. When a student is on Academic Probation he/she meets with the Registrar once a week to check his/her progress. Most of these students are on Academic Probation for only one grading period, since their grades improve during that time. The faculty and staff of SAA are committed to ensuring that all students achieve success.
Official information of Sacramento Adventist Academy in 2024 | FindingSchool

Day S. Grades: Grades Prekindergarten-12
# of Students: 262
Teacher:Student: 1:14%
AP Courses: 5
IB: No

AP Courses

(Total 5)

Basic Info

Year Founded: 1958
Religious Affiliation: Christian

Application Info

Deadline: None / Rolling

Brief Reviews

(Total 0)

Detailed Reviews

(Total 0)
0.0 / 5 Overall
0.0 / 5 Academics
0.0 / 5 Campus
0.0 / 5 Student Life
0.0 / 5 Athletic&Art
0.0 / 5 Transportation

Frequently Ask Questions about Sacramento Adventist Academy

Tell me a bit about Sacramento Adventist Academy.
Sacramento Adventist Academy is Co-ed private day school located in California, US. It was founded 1958 , and currently has about 262 students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.sacaa.org/.
Does Sacramento Adventist Academy have rigorous academic requirements?
Sacramento Adventist Academy is offering 5 AP courses.

Where do Sacramento Adventist Academy students typically go for their colleges?
We don't have matriculation data of Sacramento Adventist Academy yet, please check back later.
What is the application requirement for Sacramento Adventist Academy?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Sacramento Adventist Academy’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Sacramento Adventist Academy’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Sacramento Adventist Academy in 2024 is $N/A, which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.
Where is Sacramento Adventist Academy located?
Sacramento Adventist Academy is located in the State of California of USA. The closest major city is Sacramento, which is about 9 miles away from school. Most families can choose Sacramento International Airport to travel in and out of school.
How popular is Sacramento Adventist Academy on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Sacramento Adventist Academy is within top 30000 for all schools on FindingSchool.

How to start with an application with Sacramento Adventist Academy?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Sacramento Adventist Academy. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Sacramento Adventist Academy’s official site: http://www.sacaa.org/ or call them at (916)481-2300.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Sacramento Adventist Academy?
Yes, here are few: St. John-evangelist School-CA, Keystone Carmichael/alicante School and Aldar Academy.

The closest major city is Sacramento. You can find out more schools near Sacramento here.
What is the FindingSchool rating for Sacramento Adventist Academy?
We are sorry but FindingSchool hasn't rated Sacramento Adventist Academy yet, please check back later.
FindingSchool's data comes from enthusiastic users, school officials, specially invited consultants and U.S. public data sources.