
The Oakes Children's Center for their own autistic children over 40 years ago. In 1962, there was no community-based educational program available for autistic children. The only option at that time for these six pairs of parents was to institutionalize their own children. These parents wanted a specially designed program that would provide an education for their children within a therapeutic context. They met with local mental health professionals, developed a program and obtained a grant. Much of the clinical staff volunteered and parents worked part time without pay in the classrooms. The program became increasingly professionalized and over the years developed into a successful school that serves children with severe emotional and developmental disabilities. Today, Oakes Children's Center continues to help developmentally delayed and emotionally disturbed children develop the independence and self-awareness necessary to live and continue learning in the least restrictive setting possible within their local community. The mission of Oakes Children's Center is to help developmentally delayed and emotionally disturbed children develop the independence and self-awareness necessary to live and continue learning in the least restrictive setting possible within their local community. We provide a very high teacher-to-student ratio and complete educational services, including: individualized curriculum planning, speech and language therapy, computer training, life skills, specialized reading instruction and swimming.
Official information of Oakes Childrens Center in 2024 | FindingSchool

Day S. Grades: Grades Kindergarten-8
# of Students: 20
Teacher:Student: 1:5%
AP Courses: 0
IB: No

Basic Info

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Application Info

Deadline: None / Rolling

Brief Reviews

(Total 0)

Detailed Reviews

(Total 0)
0.0 / 5 Overall
0.0 / 5 Academics
0.0 / 5 Campus
0.0 / 5 Student Life
0.0 / 5 Athletic&Art
0.0 / 5 Transportation

Frequently Ask Questions about Oakes Childrens Center

Tell me a bit about Oakes Childrens Center.
Oakes Childrens Center is Co-ed private day school located in California, US. , and currently has about 20 students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.oakeschildrenscenter.org.
Does Oakes Childrens Center have rigorous academic requirements?
We are collecting academic data from Oakes Childrens Center, but don't have the data yet. Please check back later.
Where do Oakes Childrens Center students typically go for their colleges?
We don't have matriculation data of Oakes Childrens Center yet, please check back later.
What is the application requirement for Oakes Childrens Center?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Oakes Childrens Center’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Oakes Childrens Center’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Oakes Childrens Center in 2024 is $N/A, which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.
Where is Oakes Childrens Center located?
Oakes Childrens Center is located in the State of California of USA. The closest major city is San Francisco, which is about 2 miles away from school. Most families can choose San Francisco International Airport to travel in and out of school.
How popular is Oakes Childrens Center on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Oakes Childrens Center is within top 20000 for all schools on FindingSchool.

How to start with an application with Oakes Childrens Center?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Oakes Childrens Center. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Oakes Childrens Center’s official site: http://www.oakeschildrenscenter.org or call them at (415)641-8000.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Oakes Childrens Center?
Yes, here are few: Woodside International School, Lycee Francais La Perouse - San Francisco Campus and The Urban School Of San Francisco.

The closest major city is San Francisco. You can find out more schools near San Francisco here.
What is the FindingSchool rating for Oakes Childrens Center?
We are sorry but FindingSchool hasn't rated Oakes Childrens Center yet, please check back later.
FindingSchool's data comes from enthusiastic users, school officials, specially invited consultants and U.S. public data sources.