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The Urban School has been at the forefront of educational excellence since our founding in 1966, pioneering innovations such as block scheduling, a nationally regarded community service program and a 1:1 student laptop program. At Urban, our extraordinary teachers find the key to learning in every individual, while instilling a rigorous educational foundation to prepare them for college and beyond. The Urban School of San Francisco seeks to ignite a passion for learning, inspiring its students to become self-motivated, enthusiastic participants in their education—both in high school and beyond. Urban believes that high school is an important experience in its own right, not merely a stepping stone to college, and we aim to educate the whole student through a broad and rich academic and co-curricular program balancing the intellectual, artistic, physical, emotional and social development of each student.
2024년 The Urban School Of San Francisco 학교의 공식 정보  | FindingSchool

주요 기준

국제 학생
대학원 교사의 비율
교사와 학생의 비율
교우 기금

통학 Grades 9-12

대학 입학

순위 대학교 인원수
#3 Yale University 5
#4 Columbia University 3
#4 Stanford University 6
#4 University of Chicago 4
LAC #1 Williams College 1
#7 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
#8 Duke University 1
#9 University of Pennsylvania 5
#10 Johns Hopkins University 4
LAC #2 Amherst College 3
#12 Dartmouth College 3
#12 Northwestern University 6
#14 Brown University 5
#15 Cornell University 3
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 4
LAC #3 Swarthmore College 1
#18 University of Notre Dame 1
#20 University of California: Berkeley 5
LAC #4 Bowdoin College 2
LAC #4 Middlebury College 7
LAC #4 Pomona College 5
#21 Emory University 1
#21 Georgetown University 1
#23 Carnegie Mellon University 1
#23 University of California: Los Angeles 16
#26 University of Virginia 1
#27 Tufts University 7
#27 Wake Forest University 4
#29 University of Michigan 4
#30 Boston College 1
#30 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1
#32 New York University 24
#33 University of Rochester 1
#34 Brandeis University 1
#37 Case Western Reserve University 1
#37 University of California: Santa Barbara 1
LAC #8 Carleton College 4
#41 Boston University 8
#41 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2
#41 Tulane University 12
#41 University of California: Davis 6
LAC #9 Claremont McKenna College 1
#47 Lehigh University 2
#47 Northeastern University 9
#52 University of Texas at Austin 2
#52 University of Washington 1
#57 George Washington University 3
#60 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2
LAC #12 Vassar College 2
#61 Purdue University 1
#61 Syracuse University 1
#66 Fordham University 2
LAC #14 Hamilton College 2
LAC #14 Harvey Mudd College 1
LAC #14 Smith College 2
LAC #14 Wesleyan University 9
#72 American University 3
#75 Clark University 2
#75 Indiana University Bloomington 2
#82 University of California: Santa Cruz 10
#86 University of Denver 4
#89 University of Colorado Boulder 2
#89 University of Vermont 2
LAC #19 Colby College 1
LAC #19 Colgate University 1
LAC #19 Grinnell College 1
#99 Drexel University 1
LAC #23 Macalester College 4
LAC #23 Oberlin College 18
LAC #25 Bates College 2
LAC #25 Bryn Mawr College 2
LAC #25 Colorado College 2
LAC #25 Kenyon College 3
LAC #29 Barnard College 11
LAC #29 Scripps College 5
LAC #36 Pitzer College 8
LAC #37 Lafayette College 2
LAC #38 Skidmore College 8
LAC #40 Dickinson College 1
LAC #40 Franklin & Marshall College 2
LAC #40 Whitman College 4
LAC #43 Occidental College 8
LAC #45 Bard College 1
LAC #47 Connecticut College 2
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입학 학생 수
순위 대학교 2013-2017 2013-2015 총수
합계 198 103
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 1 2
#3 Stanford University 6 5 11
#3 Yale University 5 3 8
#6 University of Chicago 4 2 6
#7 Johns Hopkins University 4 4
#7 University of Pennsylvania 5 2 7
#10 Northwestern University 6 4 10
#10 Duke University 1 1
#12 Dartmouth College 3 3 6
#13 Brown University 5 2 7
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 4 3 7
#17 Cornell University 3 1 4
#18 Columbia University 3 2 5
#18 University of Notre Dame 1 1 2
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 16 16
#20 University of California: Berkeley 5 5
#22 Georgetown University 1 1 2
#22 Carnegie Mellon University 1 1 2
#22 Emory University 1 1 2
#25 University of Virginia 1 1
#25 University of Michigan 4 4
#25 New York University 24 16 40
#29 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1 1
#29 Wake Forest University 4 1 5
#32 Tufts University 7 4 11
#32 University of California: Santa Barbara 1 1
#36 Boston College 1 1
#36 University of Rochester 1 1 2
#38 University of Texas at Austin 2 2
#38 University of California: Davis 6 6
#41 Boston University 8 5 13
#44 Tulane University 12 9 21
#44 Northeastern University 9 3 12
#44 Brandeis University 1 1 2
#44 Case Western Reserve University 1 1 2
#51 Purdue University 1 1
#51 Lehigh University 2 1 3
#51 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2 1 3
#55 University of Washington 1 1 2
#55 Pepperdine University 1 1
#62 University of Pittsburgh 1 1
#62 George Washington University 3 3 6
#62 Syracuse University 1 1 2
#67 University of Connecticut 1 1
#67 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2 2 4
#72 American University 3 3 6
#72 Indiana University Bloomington 2 2
#72 Fordham University 2 1 3
#72 Southern Methodist University 1 1
#77 Clemson University 1 1
#82 University of California: Santa Cruz 10 10
#83 University of Iowa 1 1
#83 Marquette University 1 1
#83 Stevens Institute of Technology 1 1
#89 University of Colorado Boulder 2 2
#89 Colorado School of Mines 1 1
#97 Clark University 2 2 4
#105 University of Denver 4 4 8
#105 Drexel University 1 1 2
#121 University of Vermont 2 1 3
입학 학생 수
순위 대학교 2013-2017 2013-2015 총수
합계 126 82
#1 Williams College 1 1 2
#2 Amherst College 3 1 4
#3 Pomona College 5 5
#4 Swarthmore College 1 1
#6 Bowdoin College 2 1 3
#6 Carleton College 4 4 8
#9 Claremont McKenna College 1 1 2
#11 Middlebury College 7 4 11
#13 Smith College 2 1 3
#13 Vassar College 2 2 4
#15 Grinnell College 1 1 2
#15 Hamilton College 2 1 3
#18 University of Richmond 1 1
#18 Haverford College 1 1
#18 Barnard College 11 5 16
#18 Wesleyan University 9 5 14
#18 Colgate University 1 1 2
#23 Oberlin College 18 11 29
#24 Colby College 1 1 2
#25 Bates College 2 2 4
#27 Macalester College 4 3 7
#27 Colorado College 2 2 4
#29 Harvey Mudd College 1 1 2
#31 Bryn Mawr College 2 2 4
#31 Kenyon College 3 3
#33 Scripps College 5 1 6
#33 Pitzer College 8 5 13
#36 Mount Holyoke College 1 1
#37 Occidental College 8 4 12
#37 Bucknell University 1 1
#38 Union College 1 1
#39 Skidmore College 8 5 13
#39 Lafayette College 2 2 4
#39 Trinity College 1 1
#40 Franklin & Marshall College 2 2
#48 Whitman College 4 4 8
#51 Dickinson College 1 1 2
#55 Connecticut College 2 1 3
#55 Centre College 1 1
#60 Bard College 1 2 3

학습 프로그램


Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Chemistry 화학
Chinese Language and Culture 중국어와 문화
English Language and Composition 영어와 작문
French Language and Culture 프랑스어와 문화
Music Theory 음악 이론학
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Chemistry 화학
Chinese Language and Culture 중국어와 문화
English Language and Composition 영어와 작문
French Language and Culture 프랑스어와 문화
Music Theory 음악 이론학
Spanish Language and Culture 스페인어와 문화
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스포츠 활동

Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Fencing 펜싱
Golf 골프
Lacrosse 라크로스
Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Fencing 펜싱
Golf 골프
Lacrosse 라크로스
Soccer 축구
Swimming 수영과 다이빙
Tennis 테니스
Track and Field 육상 경기
Volleyball 배구
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과외 조직

Green team
Library leaders
Multiculti leasership team
Peer resource
Chamber orchestra
Green team
Library leaders
Multiculti leasership team
Peer resource
Chamber orchestra
Advanced jazz band
Labb jazz band
Urban singers
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학교 추천
학교 추천

인근 대도시

샌프란시스코는 "샌프란시스코" 및 "샌프란시스코"라고 부른다.미국 캘리포니아 주 태평양 연안에 위치한 항구이자 공상업 도시이다.샌프란시스코의 경제는 서비스 산업이 주도하고 있으며 금융 산업과 국제 무역도 매우 발달하여 도시 취업 인구의 절반 이상을 차지하고 산업은 15%에 불과했다.이 도시에는 26,000개 이상의 도매상과 소매상이 있다.샌프란시스코는 40개의 은행과 147개의 지점을 갖고 있는 미국 서부의 금융센터이다.또한 이곳에는 퍼시픽 코스트 증권 거래소(Pacific Coast Stock Exchange)와 미국 최대 은행 중 하나인 뱅크 오브 아메리카의 본사가 있는 곳이다.샌프란시스코의 산업은 주로 전통 의류, 식품, 인쇄업이다.항공우주, 자동차 조립, 전자, 정유 등 신흥 산업 분야도 최근 몇 년간 상당한 발전을 이루었다.

생활비 평균보다 높음 89%
FindingSchool의 데이터 출처는 열정적인 사용자, 학교 공식 홈페이지, 특별 컨설턴트 및 미국 공용 데이터이다.