
Rye Country Day School is a coeducational, college preparatory school dedicated to providing students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 with an excellent education using both traditional and innovative approaches. In a nurturing and supportive environment, we offer a challenging program that stimulates individuals to achieve their maximum potential through academic, athletic, creative and social endeavors. We are actively committed to diversity. We expect and promote moral responsibility, and strive to develop strength of character within a respectful school community. Our goal is to foster a lifelong passion for learning, understanding, and service in an ever-changing world.
Rye Country Day School With Reviews, Requirements 2024 | FindingSchool

A+ Day
A+ Matriculation
A Academics
A- Extracurricular activities
A+ Community
B- Reviews
NA Int. student mgmt

Day S. Grades: PK-12
ESL: Yes
Day S. Tuition: $52,250
# of Students: 956
Teacher:Student: 1:15%
AP Courses: 26
Endowment: $77,720/stu.
Faculty w/ adv. degree: 85%
SAT: 1400/1600
IB: No

US Day School


Ranking University/College Students
#1 Princeton University 1
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
#3 Yale University 4
#6 University of Chicago 3
#7 Johns Hopkins University 1
#7 University of Pennsylvania 2
#10 Duke University 2
#10 Northwestern University 1
LAC #2 Amherst College 2
#13 Brown University 3
#13 Vanderbilt University 2
#15 Rice University 1
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 3
#17 Cornell University 6
#18 Columbia University 2
LAC #4 Swarthmore College 1
#22 Carnegie Mellon University 1
#22 Emory University 2
#22 Georgetown University 4
#25 University of Michigan 1
#25 University of Virginia 1
#29 Wake Forest University 1
LAC #6 Carleton College 1
#32 Tufts University 3
#36 University of Rochester 1
#38 University of Wisconsin-Madison 4
#41 Boston University 3
#44 Brandeis University 1
#44 Northeastern University 1
#44 Tulane University 3
LAC #9 Claremont McKenna College 1
#51 Lehigh University 2
#62 George Washington University 2
#62 Syracuse University 2
LAC #13 Vassar College 1
LAC #15 Hamilton College 1
#77 Loyola Marymount University 1
SUNY University at Buffalo 1
LAC #18 Barnard College 1
LAC #18 Colgate University 4
LAC #18 University of Richmond 3
LAC #18 Wesleyan University 1
LAC #24 Colby College 1
#121 University of Vermont 1
LAC #25 Bates College 2
LAC #27 Colorado College 1
#137 University of Kentucky 1
LAC #31 Bryn Mawr College 1
LAC #36 Mount Holyoke College 1
LAC #37 Bucknell University 4
LAC #39 Denison University 2
College of William and Mary 1
Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art 1
King's College London 1
Penn State University Park 2
stony brook university, state university of new york 1
University of Maryland: College Park 1
University of St. Andrews 1
University of Toronto 1

AP Courses

(Total 26)
Chinese Language and Culture
English Language and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
Music Theory
Spanish Language and Culture
Chinese Language and Culture
English Language and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
Music Theory
Spanish Language and Culture
Studio Art: 2-D Design
Computer Science A
Physics 1
Spanish Literature and Culture
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics C: Mechanics
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Computer Science Principles
United States History
English Literature and Composition
Art History
Studio Art: 3-D Design
Studio Art: Drawing
View all


(Total 5)

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

(Total 59)
Art Students Association
The Chamber Five
Open Mic Club
Photo Club
Asian-American Club
Gender-Sexuality Alliance
HURD (Hispanos Unidos for Rye’s Diversity)
Intersectional Feminist Club
Major Leagues
Art Students Association
The Chamber Five
Open Mic Club
Photo Club
Asian-American Club
Gender-Sexuality Alliance
HURD (Hispanos Unidos for Rye’s Diversity)
Intersectional Feminist Club
Major Leagues
Mandarin Chinese Club
A-Chord with Kids
Alzheimer's Awareness Club
Autism Speak Club
Backyard Sports
Carver Center Volunteers
China Care
Community Service
Dance with a Purpose
Helping Hand
Midnight Run
Nutrition Club
SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions)
Saturday Enrichment and Tutorial (SET)
Student-Centered Outreach
Partnership & Enrichment (SCOPE)
Wildcats MD
Focal Point
Modern Language Magazine
Oral Proficiency Interns
Peer Leadership
Girls' & Boys' Mentoring Programs
Peer Mentoring
Peer Tutoring
Student Government
Tour Guide Program
Backpacking Club
Blend Club
Chess Club
Classics Club
Debate Club
Drama Club
Investment Club
Math Contest Club
Model Congress/U.N. Club
Movie Club
The Poetic Literature of the Urban Generation Club P.L.U.G.
Political Forum Club
The Robotics Club
Rock & Roll Appreciation Club
Spirit Club
Environmental Club
View all


(Total 11)
2D Design
3D Design
Graphic Design
Studio Art
2D Design
3D Design
Graphic Design
Studio Art
View all

Basic Info

Year Founded: 1869
Campus Size: 26 acres
Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Application Info

Deadline: 12/15
Interview: On Campus
Other Accepted Scores: ISEE
School Code:
SSAT: 6208
ISEE: 334965



Brief Reviews

(Total 7)
4.5/ 5

Detailed Reviews

(Total 0)
0.0 / 5 Overall
0.0 / 5 Academics
0.0 / 5 Campus
0.0 / 5 Student Life
0.0 / 5 Athletic&Art
0.0 / 5 Transportation


(Total 5)
Westover School United States Flag
4.9 (28 reviews)

Google Street View

Frequently Ask Questions about Rye Country Day School

Tell me a bit about Rye Country Day School.
Rye Country Day School is Co-ed private day school located in New York, US. It was founded 1869 , and currently has about 956 students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.ryecountryday.org.
Does Rye Country Day School have rigorous academic requirements?
Rye Country Day School is offering 26 AP courses.

Rye Country Day School also have 85% of faculties whose degrees are master and above.
Where do Rye Country Day School students typically go for their colleges?
Based on the most recent matriculation data, 15.53% go to top 50 US universities and colleges*, 33.98% go to top 25, and about 11.65% go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT.

*Ranking is based on the 2024 US News College Ranking.
What is the application requirement for Rye Country Day School?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Rye Country Day School’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Rye Country Day School’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Rye Country Day School in 2024 is $52,250, which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.

For more information, please contact school’s admission team at admissions@ryecountryday.org .
Where is Rye Country Day School located?
Rye Country Day School is located in the State of New York of USA.
How popular is Rye Country Day School on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Rye Country Day School is among the most popular schools, within top 335 for all schools on FindingSchool.

Also Rye Country Day School has been favorited by 49 users.
How to start with an application with Rye Country Day School?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Rye Country Day School. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Rye Country Day School’s official site: http://www.ryecountryday.org or call them at 914-967-1417.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Rye Country Day School?
What is the FindingSchool rating for Rye Country Day School?
The overall rating for Rye Country Day School is A+.

The section ratings of Rye Country Day School are:
A+ for Matriculation
A for Academics
A- for Extracurriculum
A+ for Community
B- for Students and Parents reviews
FindingSchool's data comes from enthusiastic users, school officials, specially invited consultants and U.S. public data sources.