
Burke's prepares able, motivated girls for academic challenge, life in community and lifelong love of learning. Burke's celebrates childhood as the best preparation for adulthood, enabling girls to take risks and become confident in who they are. Burke's embraces individual and cultural differences, teaching that each girl can make a difference in her world. For nearly a century, the Katherine Delmar Burke School has held a unique place in the education of girls. By pairing high academic standards with a community that encourages independence and self-confidence, Burke's has graduated generations of girls who excel in high school and beyond. Burke's challenges its girls through a demanding academic curriculum with a rich complement of arts, athletics, and community activities. As they advance to high school and beyond, Burke's graduates are empowered by their strong and enduring academic foundation, thirst for continued learning, clear sense of themselves, and confidence in what they can accomplish. At Burke's our entire program is based on our understanding of what works for girls. This understanding reflects extensive research and pedagogical innovation at leading universities informed by our ongoing observations and assessments of what works for our own students.
Official information of Katherine Delmar Burke School in 2024 | FindingSchool

Grades: Grades Kindergarten-8
# of Students: 402
Teacher:Student: 1:7%
AP Courses: 0
IB: No

Basic Info

Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Application Info

Deadline: Dec. 15 / Jan. 15

Brief Reviews

(Total 0)

Detailed Reviews

(Total 0)
0.0 / 5 Overall
0.0 / 5 Academics
0.0 / 5 Campus
0.0 / 5 Student Life
0.0 / 5 Athletic&Art
0.0 / 5 Transportation
Stevenson School United States Flag
4.9 (36 reviews)

Frequently Ask Questions about Katherine Delmar Burke School

Tell me a bit about Katherine Delmar Burke School.
Katherine Delmar Burke School is All-girls private school located in California, US. , and currently has about 402 students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.kdbs.org/page.
Does Katherine Delmar Burke School have rigorous academic requirements?
We are collecting academic data from Katherine Delmar Burke School, but don't have the data yet. Please check back later.
Where do Katherine Delmar Burke School students typically go for their colleges?
We don't have matriculation data of Katherine Delmar Burke School yet, please check back later.
What is the application requirement for Katherine Delmar Burke School?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Katherine Delmar Burke School’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, standard test (some schools requires SSAT, and TOEFL for international students), and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Katherine Delmar Burke School’s All-girls student?
The total fee for Katherine Delmar Burke School in 2024 is $N/A, which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.
Where is Katherine Delmar Burke School located?
Katherine Delmar Burke School is located in the State of California of USA. The closest major city is San Francisco, which is about 4 miles away from school. Most families can choose San Francisco International Airport to travel in and out of school.
How popular is Katherine Delmar Burke School on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Katherine Delmar Burke School is within top 30000 for all schools on FindingSchool.

How to start with an application with Katherine Delmar Burke School?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Katherine Delmar Burke School. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Katherine Delmar Burke School’s official site: http://www.kdbs.org/page or call them at (415)751-0177.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Katherine Delmar Burke School?
Yes, here are few: Archbishop Riordan High School, San Domenico School and The Athenian School.

The closest major city is San Francisco. You can find out more schools near San Francisco here.
What is the FindingSchool rating for Katherine Delmar Burke School?
We are sorry but FindingSchool hasn't rated Katherine Delmar Burke School yet, please check back later.
FindingSchool's data comes from enthusiastic users, school officials, specially invited consultants and U.S. public data sources.