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A+ 5.0
Commonwealth School's mission is to educate young people from diverse backgrounds to become knowledgeable, thoughtful, and creative adults, capable of careful analysis, fruitful cooperation, and deep commitment. Commonwealth aims to be a school to with the highest standards of academic excellence; where students learn to think for themselves and to exercise responsibility and initiative in their actions; with a community of talented teachers and promising students from diverse backgrounds; that takes maximum advantage of its rich urban setting; where arts are a vital element of daily life; that provides the friendly atmosphere of a small, supportive community; and that helps students establish the foundation for rewarding and productive lives.
$55,400 Massachusetts, US 154 students Co-ed
Noble and Greenough School is a rigorous academic community dedicated to inspiring leadership for the public good. Through mentoring relationships, we motivate students to achieve their highest potential and to lead lives characterized by service to others. The Nobles community: • Generates critical, creative, socially conscious thinkers; • Upholds a commitment to diversity; • Develops character and intellect in deliberate conjunction; • Cultivates purposeful citizenship on local, national and global levels; • Builds independence and self-respect through challenge and achievement; • Espouses humility, humor, collaboration, honesty and respect for others as the foundations of a vibrant intellectual community.
$60,100 Massachusetts, US 630 students Co-ed
A+ 5.0
The mission of Boston University Academy is to educate talented students who are passionate about learning and who share the joy of inquiry. Engaging with dedicated teachers in a small and caring community, students first immerse themselves in a classically based curriculum and then continue their intellectual interests at Boston University, a major research University.
$55,234 Massachusetts, US 234 students Co-ed
A+ 5.0
Founded in 1886, the Winsor School is an independent day school for academically motivated and promising girls in grades 5-12. Winsor offers a rigorous academic program balanced by the arts and physical education in an environment of warmth and personal attention. As a community, Winsor cherishes respect and generosity of spirit, and its mission underscores its commitment to diversity. Its size means girls build lasting friendships, and it encourages each girl to realize her own uniqueness and promise.
$59,500 Massachusetts, US 475 students All-girls
The Roxbury Latin School is a small, independent day school for boys in grades 7-12, located on a spacious 117 acre campus in West Roxbury, MA. Founded by John Eliot in 1645, in the reign of King Charles the First, it is the oldest school in continuous existence in North America. Roxbury Latin's endowment and the generosity of its alumni, parents, and friends enable the School to maintain a distinguished faculty, to charge a relatively low tuition, and to admit and enroll boys without regard to their parents' ability to pay. The opportunities afforded by the School are therefore available to a uniquely diverse student body from all segments of the greater Boston community...
$39,250 Massachusetts, US 308 students All-boys
A+ 5.0
Belmont Hill is a community dedicated to developing boys in mind, body, and spirit. In a school that challenges and supports students in and beyond the classroom, we strive for excellence, honoring clear thinking and creativity, competition and teamwork, tradition and vision. Valuing difference, we seek students, faculty, and staff from a broad range of backgrounds who will embrace honest effort, curiosity, courage, and compassion. Working together, we seek to foster in each boy good character, commitment to service, global responsibility, and a passion for lifelong learning.
$61,400 Massachusetts, US 471 students All-boys
A 4.6
The mission of Thayer Academy is to inspire a diverse community of students to moral, intellectual, aesthetic, and physical excellence so that each may rise to honorable achievement and contribute to the common good. Thayer Academy provides a rigorous and challenging college preparatory education that attracts students from diverse social, ethnic, economic, and academic backgrounds. The Academy seeks to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences to realize their potential in college and beyond. At Thayer we believe that students will find academic success when given opportunities for individual achievement and self-expression. The Thayer curriculum strives to instill fundamental knowledge and study skills while stimulating intellectual curiosity and growth. Furthermore, the curriculum and Thayer environment combine to encourage students to understand and appreciate different cultures, develop critical thinking skills, enhance creativity, promote physical and emotional well-being, and foster a concern for others.
$59,390 Massachusetts, US 728 students Co-ed
A 4.9
Cape Cod Academy is an independent day school for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Located in Osterville, MA, our college preparatory school sits on a 46-acre campus. CCA strives for academic excellence throughout each student’s personalized educational journey, and consists of three divisions— the Lower School (elementary), which spans Kindergarten to fifth grade, Middle School, covering grades 6-8, and our Upper School (high school) for grades 9 through 12.
$49,100 Massachusetts, US 334 students Co-ed
A 4.8
Buckingham Browne & Nichols, a coeducational day school in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was established in 1974 by the merger of two independent schools, the Buckingham school and the Browne & Nichols school, founded respectively in 1889 and 1883. Located on three separate campuses, we work as one school in the pursuit of excellence. We celebrate the diversity of our community which enriches our daily experience. At BB&N we foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and a deep concern and respect for others. Our educational program, coordinated from beginners through grade twelve, provides a rigorous core curriculum, taught in flexible and innovative ways. Students acquire the skills and discipline necessary for academic accomplishment and learn to reflect, take risks and to discover. The curriculum is strengthened by our commitment to a comprehensive program in the arts and athletics. In all of our experiences, both those within the school and those which use our urban location, we encourage self-reliance, knowledge of oneself and a capacity for leadership.
$63,700 Massachusetts, US 1037 students Co-ed
A- 5.0
St. John's Prep, a Catholic, Xaverian Brothers Sponsored School for young men in grades 6 through 12, is committed to educating the whole person. Our rigorous academic and extensive co-curricular program encourages students to develop their spiritual, intellectual, moral, physical, and creative potential, and inspires them to honor the diversity that enriches both our school community and the world beyond St. John's.
$31,745 Massachusetts, US 1,500 students All-boys
A- 4.5
Mission Statement: Brimmer and May is a PK - 12 all gender day school that upholds high academic standards while implementing innovative ideas in a supportive and student-centered community. We develop lifelong learners who are informed, engaged, and ethical citizens and leaders in our diverse world. Guiding Principles- Inspired to Learn: We inspire students to be active learners, confident problem-solvers, and critical thinkers who work both independently and collaboratively. Encouraged to Explore: We encourage students to engage their curiosity, expand their creativity, explore their interests, develop their voices, and strive for their personal best. Empowered to Lead: We empower students to embrace opportunities, develop their intellect with character, and lead in the global community. Core Values: Respect, Responsibility, Honesty, Kindness, Equity.
$63,650 Massachusetts, US 410 students Co-ed
A- 4.8
Dexter Southfield School strives to develop in each student academic and athletic skills, moral and spiritual attitudes and habits, and self-discipline so that he may make positive contributions to today's society. A range of offerings is available to students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. The curriculum is challenging, and high expectations are held for each student, yet the faculty provides a wide range of academic offerings and individualized programs. Dexter's athletic programs feature a combination of intramural and interscholastic offerings. In Kindergarten through Grade 2 physical education is a daily activity. Intramural competition is introduced in Grade 3 through Grade 6 during which students compete in many different sports with the goal of instilling a spirit of sportsmanship and teamwork. Beginning in Grade 7, athletes choose from a variety of interscholastic sports.
$62,200 Massachusetts, US 1076 students Co-ed
A- 4.5
Bancroft, an independent, coeducational, college-preparatory day school, prepares talented, well-qualified and motivated college-bound students, kindergarten through grade 12, to pursue and realize their academic, personal and social potential. We provide a comprehensive, caring, and creative curricular and extracurricular program that fosters an experience of excellence for each student. Inspired students, a superior faculty, and engaged families thrive in our diverse, safe, and supportive community. We afford students the opportunity to discover their passion in life and to learn to embrace confidently and responsibly the moral and ethical challenges of being life-long learners, teachers of others, and citizens of an increasingly complex global community.
$49,500 Massachusetts, US 421 students Co-ed
B+ 3.4
Saint John’s High School has educated young men under the sponsorship of the Xaverian Brothers since 1898. Through the Saint John’s strong college preparatory curriculum, 1,000 students pursue personal and intellectual growth in an environment that is committed to the development of the whole person and recognizes a moral dimension of life through service to God and to others.
$20,760 Massachusetts, US 923 students All-boys
B+ 3.3
Catholic Memorial School (CM) is a college preparatory school for boys (Grades 7-12) located in a very safe neighborhood of Boston less than 10 miles from Harvard, MIT, and the city center. CM students benefit from the resources at the local universities in a variety of ways. For example, several professors from universities such as Harvard, MIT, and Boston College have visited CM to share lectures with the students. The school features a first-class teaching faculty, including 90% who hold advanced degrees and five with PhDs. Of these teachers, ten are graduates of the Ivy League and nearly 70% graduated from a Top 30 university. The academic curriculum is rigorous and places a special emphasis on inquiry, collaboration, and innovation while preparing students for success at the most selective universities and liberal arts colleges in the United States. In 2018, 35 students achieved the prestigious distinction of AP Scholar for outstanding performance on numerous AP exams. The school’s STEM offerings are especially rich with numerous AP, Honors, and elective courses that focus on areas such as Math, Science, Computer Science, Design Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Biotechnology, and Robotics. CM is also well-known for its abundant extracurricular opportunities, highlighted by the Speech and Debate Team which has won two consecutive Massachusetts state championships to solidify its status as the #1 team in the state, a variety of opportunities in music and the arts, and a robust athletics program that has produced over 100 combined national, state, and regional championships.
$26,725 Massachusetts, US 597 students All-boys
The Waring School is a liberal arts school for students in middle and high school (grades 6-12). Our mission is to create and sustain a community of lifelong learners who are working together for the individual and the common good. We assume that most learning in a lifetime takes place outside of school and that one of the purposes of school is to prepare an individual to learn on his or her own. We do not, consequently, think of school as an end in itself but as part of the continuum of a life-long process perpetually at work in each learner
$42,884 Massachusetts, US 164 students Co-ed
B+ 4.3
Austin Preparatory School was founded by the Augustinian Fathers of the Province of St. Thomas of Villanova in 1961 and opened to students in September 1963. Austin is, in fact, an abbreviated version of Augustine, so our name does carry on the legacy and acknowledges our debt to St. Augustine and his followers, the Augustinians. Saint Augustine is the School's patron saint, and we strive toward the Augustinian ideal of: "One mind, one heart, intent on God." In 1971 Austin's association with the Augustinians was severed due to declining clergy, and became an incorporated independent school and now operates under the direction of a self-perpetuating Board of Trustees. We offer a rigorous college preparatory education for students in grades 6 through 12. While the school operates as an independent school we still hold close to us the traditions and teachings of our founding order, and continue to share the traditions of an Augustinian school.
$31,500 Massachusetts, US 735 students Co-ed
B+ 4.7
Dedicated to academic excellence and development of high personal standards, Pingree believes that a love of learning flourishes best in a diverse community that respects truth, curiosity, creativity, humor, and independent and imaginative thinking. Above all, Pingree strives to instill in its students integrity, decency, compassion, self-esteem and commitment to one another and to the world at large. As students become confident of themselves and their abilities, it is vital that they also recognize their obligations to society as responsible citizens. Pingree believes that a willingness to participate actively in efforts to bring about a better world is an essential goal for every student. Pingree seeks to help each individual develop the qualities of leadership and the courage to take risks while continuing to grow as a student and as a person.
$53,800 Massachusetts, US 386 students Co-ed
A catholic independent school, St. Sebastian's seeks to engage young men in the pursuit of truth through faith and reason. By embracing Gospel values in an inclusive community and by inspiring intellectual excellence ina structured liberal arts curriculum, St. Sebastian's strives to empower students for sucess in college and in life. The ideal St. Sebastian's graduate will be a moral and just person, a gentleman of courage, honor, and wisdom, a life-long learner who cntinues to grow in his capacity to know, to love, and to serve God and neighbor.
$58,200 Massachusetts, US 380 students All-boys
B+ 5.0
As a college preparatory Catholic high school, Arlington Catholic educates and challenges young men and women academically, spiritually, and socially in a caring, supportive environment. Arlington Catholic prepares young adults to be life-long learners and contributors, committed to a just society. We encourage our young people to "accept the challenge". Our school is to create and develop an awareness of Christian values, foster an individual and communal relationship with God, provide an academic atmosphere which will enable students to recognize and desire excellence, challenge students to think critically and creatively, encourage the growth of independent learning, promote respect for self and others, and help students develop and preserve physical and mental health.
$19,000 Massachusetts, US 833 students Co-ed
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